Bombed – 4 April 1945

Bombed – 4 April 1945

Bombed - 4 April 1945 Paul Helmut Kindling Presented 4 January 2020    Topeka Saturday Night Literary Club* Season 137 For details and Critique see Slide 42ff  Expanded February 2020  1. Bombers The modern aerial bomb, with its distinctive elongated shape, stabilizing fins, and nose-fitted detonator, is a Bulgarian invention. In the Balkan War of 1912, waged by Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, and Montenegro - the Balkan League - against Turkey. Bulgarian army captain, Simeon Petrov, adapted and enlarged a number of grenades for use from an airplane.1 Seen here is an RAF store of rows of  500 pound bombs.2    A family note:  A more primitive device, a tin can filled with explosives dropped out of a biplane injured one of my uncles in 1917 on the Western Front.  He had…
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Bottlenecks, an essay for the Saturday Night Literary Club, Topeka, Kansas

Bottlenecks. An essay prepared for the Saturday Night Literary Club, Topeka, Kansas, presented on Saturday, 11 October 2008. Submitted by Paul H. Kindling, the Gentleman from Mississippi. The bottleneck represents a paradox. The top of a container narrowed so that it can be closed and spillage prevented. It is descriptive when the cork is also called a “stopper”. The device I used to enhance, by aeration, the taste of the product of fermentation, by the way, a process discovered by the Sumerians about 12,000 years ago, demonstrates the physics of the bottleneck. Where flow through a bottle’s neck is faster the pressure is lower. The italian physicist Giovanni Batista Venturi ( d 1822) described this principle. Sometime around New Years 1930 two different strands of DNA, the building blocks of…
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